BC Injury Lawyers | sample business (Adobe After Effects)
BC Injury Lawyers | sample business (Adobe After Effects)
Here is a sample commercial we made for a client using Adobe After Effects. A good example of what you can do with a simple 3D transformations and monitoring.
The audio recorded and edited using Adobe Soundbooth. The effects of background music and sound at a later time using Sony Vegas Pro 9.0.
The total duration of the project to make the Abdul Latif in approximately 90 minutes. Was created originally in the formation of high-resolution 1280x720. Then converted to a small video to play on the Internet.
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The audio recorded and edited using Adobe Soundbooth. The effects of background music and sound at a later time using Sony Vegas Pro 9.0.
The total duration of the project to make the Abdul Latif in approximately 90 minutes. Was created originally in the formation of high-resolution 1280x720. Then converted to a small video to play on the Internet.
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BC Injury Lawyers | sample business (Adobe After Effects)
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