
YouTube and Twitter to help promote the brand - David Kiley

YouTube and Twitter to help promote the brand - David Kiley

YouTube and Twitter to help promote the brand - David Kiley

Length: http://fora.tv/2009/06/02/David_Kiley_Brand_Journalism

BusinessWeek correspondent President David Kiley explains the effective use of new media to advertise a business or product. The innovative use of YouTube and Twitter Ford as a good example to promote the brand on the Internet.


Create and navigate the borders between advertising and content, and select "Press" brand new era of strategic marketing message, everything is kind of journalism, and how companies can, did not refer to the consumers, because he knows when they see it how can I prevent it from crossing the border which is not fixed so far, and really what is right for my brand -?? Argyle Executive Forum

YouTube and Twitter to help promote the brand - David Kiley

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