Introduction and Purpose ---- ---- BNI | Marketing Strategy
Business Networking International, according to its website, "is the largest business networking organization in the world. " With chapters in every state and the District of Columbia, and beyond --- - - United States in 54 countries, BNI offers members "the opportunity to share ideas, contacts and business referrals mostly.
- Ivan Misner, which CNN called "the father of networking, " founded BNI in 1985, based on the idea that "on which other businesses, you get business in return. "In 2009, the site says BNI, he exchanged 6.2 million referrals which generated a total of over 2.6 billion dollars worth of business for its members.
- BNI brings business professionals together toward the overarching objective of increasing sales. Benefits, according BNI's website, include more referrals, more networking tools, weekly meetings, a newsletter, participation in business trade shows and free workshops.
- Only one person from each professional specialty --- representing the person 's primary occupation full time --- can join a BNI chapter. Presence or representation at all meetings is mandatory.
Membership fees may vary by chapter. An application for membership in the NOVA chapter, Rockville, Maryland, lists the one-year participation fees as $430 and the two-year participation fees as $615.00. - Elizabeth and Ivan Misner Misner, co-owners of the BNI, in 1998, founded the BNI-Misner Foundation to support educational programs for children in 55 countries where BNI chapters. Foundation 's website notes that it helps to legitimize the charitable, non-profit only. United States, this means that the IRS 501 (c) (3) designation. The site adds, however, that public schools can "to qualify for the grant allocations. "
BNI-Misner Foundation
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