
Why Ajax Cleanser name of a God Mythology? Marketing Strategy |

    Telemonian Ajax

  1. Ajax was the son of Telamon, king of Salamis. It was a great hero of the Trojan War, fighting for the Greeks. After Achilles, he was Greece 'greatest hero. Indeed, it was first departure Ajax fought Hector Achilles in single combat after "in the fighting.
  2. Ajax Cleanser

  3. Ajax is a cleaning product manufactured by the Colgate-Palmolive. It comes in a powder bleach for use on carpets and other household surfaces. It is also available as dishwashing detergent.
  4. Possible reasons for the name of

  5. Although no definitive answer is given, the Colgate-Palmolive Ajax product can be named because the mythological figure was a powerful warrior who "clean " in the battle. He did not need the help of the gods, implying that Ajax is cleaner capable of cleaning the house without the help of other products.

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